Monday, July 20, 2009

Books : I'm One 21st Century Mods by Horst Friedrichs

German Photographer Horst Friedrichs just released a new book on his long term project on English Mods, the book "I'm One 21st Century Mods" has the power to connect the Mods periods in which Horst has worked in the last 10 years. Pete Townshend from the Who has written on the book : "Want to look like a mod? Pose like a mode? Dance like a Mod? THIS IS THE BOOK YOU NEED! This is the NEW mod look, the ageless Trans-European look that takes Mods back to the Continent from where it first emerged in the Sixties. This is MOD in the twenty First Century".
The Mods essay is also published among the other reportages on the book West by Regina Maria Anzenberger.