Well i do think that with photoshop things are more easy for many lazy people, photographer does not need to be precise, no need to think, companies no need to hire great photographers and the new category called Photoshopper has a big renovated voice in the industry, they can also get a coffee between one work and the other....
well almost so easy apart some little mistake like this from microsoft where the same campaign has been revisited by changing the face of a black man into a white man... pity they forgot the hand which is still black...
I dont want to start a blog on mistake of photoshop, the blog photoshop disaster (from where I took the photos) does already a great job to show these idiocy but i wanted to post this because it makes me more convinced about the necessity to start to use photography , again, to express idea, selling product, selling concept. Showing a reality rather to invent a bad one...